oh, hey there!

I’m Amy, and I write things.

My name is Amy Byrne.

I’m known by a few other monikers in this world - but I’ve been known as Amy Longworth and Amy Byrne, and currently I go by both. Still haven’t figured out which pen name is best, truth be told 🤷‍♀️

There are many things that are true of me, at any given moment - but whatever I’m calling myself, whichever hat I’m wearing, and whichever day of the week it is, there is one univeral truth to it all:

I am here to share stories.

My own story always seemed like the easiest to share, so I did it - in precisely 161 pages - when I had some free time on my hands back in April of 2020. That was then, though, and this is now. I haven’t written an awful lot in a few years, and I resolved to start doing a bit more of that - so here we are.

Things are weird, but I wouldn’t change them for the world.

I’m here to share my strange little stories, in whatever form they manifest themselves and in whichever form they take. I do it because I live with the hope that my particular method of painting words might resonate with another person in this world in a way that might make shit make a little bit more sense to them, however it needs to land for them at the time.

There’s nothing more to it than that.

I hope you enjoy what you find here.